Review: LIZLY What A Lovely Palette
I'm an eyeshadow wearer. No doubt. While most of my friends that I hang out with only wear face makeup (foundation and concealer) with blush, eyeliner, brow, and mascara, I go full on mask-makeup. I don't mind it anyway, since I'm just showcasing how much I love doing my makeup and how it makes me confident.
Aku adalah pemakai eye shadow. Kalau teman-teman aku cuma pakai make up yang minimalis kalau lagi pergi, cuma pake concealer, blush, eyeliner, alis, dan mascara, aku pasti pakai makeup yang full-on-glam haha. Nggak apa-apa sih, karena aku cuma menunjukan kesukaan aku sama makeup dan gimana makeup membuat aku lebih pede.
That is why I am always interested with eyeshadow because it is literally the only thing that would look normal no matter what color you put. It is the place where you are free to express your creativity.
Makanya, aku suka banget sebenarnya sama produk eyeshadow karena ini salah satu produk yang membebaskan kreatifitas aku. Mau pakai warna apa aja, pasti nggak akan kelihatan aneh. Coba deh, kalau orang pakai eyeshadow warna biru, pasti nggak akan seaneh orang pakai contour warna biru atau lipstick warna biru.
I super love my palettes. I don't like to buy single shadows (although I do buy them occasionally) because it took up space. While in palettes they are already packaged beautifully and you can keep them in place neatly. Having that said, as an eyeshadow wearer and palettes lover, sometimes it is a challenge to pack them with me when I travel.
Aku suka banget (bahkan sayang kayaknya) sama palette aku. Aku jujur kurang suka beli eyeshadow yang satuan, walaupun kadang-kadang ya beli juga. Aku nggak suka karena makan tempat. Dibandingin palette yang udah di pack rapi, bisa disimpan lebih cantik, eyeshadow yang satuan kalau nyimpennya lebih ribet. Masalahnya, kalau mau pergi, rada ribet bawa palette kemana-mana, apalagi palette yang rada besar.
As the result, once in a while I do buy smaller size palettes (in quads, or just 6 shadows). For today's blogpost, I would like to review this palette from Lizly, a Korean brand.
Karenanya, sekali-kali aku beli pallete yang ukurannya lebih kecil (yang isinya 4 atau 6). Untuk post hari ini, aku mau review palette dari Lizly, brand dari Korea.
To be honest, I haven't really heard much from the brand. It's not as popular as Etude House, Innisfree, or The Saem. Those three brands are my top Korean brands in term of makeup. But, I was online shopping on Althea Singapore website and I stumbled across this palette that was on sale. The color looked so pretty thus the reason why I bought it.
Sejujurnya, aku nggak familiar sama brand ini. Brand ini nggak sepopuler Etude House, Innisfree, atau The Saem. Tiga brand itu kaya brand favorit aku untuk produk-produk makeup. Tapi waktu aku lagi online shopping di Althea Singapore, aku pas ngeliat iklan palette ini lagi diskon. Warnanya cantik-cantik banget, nggak pake mikir langsung aku beli hahaha.
This palette comes in 6 shades. 4 of them are suitable for base shadows while the 2 are suitable for point makeup. Those are the explanations from Athea's website. But in my opinion, you do you so you can really play around with these. It comes in 4 more foil-like shadows and 2 shimmer shadows.
Palette ini isinya ada 6 warna. 4 warnanya cocok untuk warna dasar dan 2 lagi untuk bikin definisi. Ini deskripsi dari website Althea-nya. Walaupun kalau aku sendiri sih selalu bilang, jangan me-limit diri kalian dengan ini. Kalian sih bebas aja mau pakai ini sebagai apa aja. 4 warna disini lebih ke arah metalik, kalau 2 lagi lebih ke arah shimmer yang lebih redup.
The other reason why I bought this is because I personally love Korean-style makeup. I think if you are looking for a bit of change in your daily style, K-Beauty is definitely a style to watch because most of their makeup style are very lovely-girly tone and I must say I would never imagine myself to fall under those categories. This palette is very Korean-makeup tone (if that makes any sense). The color is oh-so-very-lovely, hence the name!
Salah satu alasan lain kenapa aku beli ini karena aku sendiri suka sama gaya makeup Korea. Apalagi kalau kalian lagi ingin tampil beda, K-Beauty salah satu rekomendasi aku. Aku sendiri sama sekali nggak punya karakter cute dan gayaku sendiri nggak terlalu feminim. Aku nggak akan pernah ngebayangin kalau aku ada dibawah kategori itu. Palette ini sendiri diisi oleh warna-warna yang menurut aku sangat gaya Korea. Warnanya tuh lovely banget, makanya nama palette-nya sendiri terinspirasi oleh itu!
Let's talk about the packaging first.
Yuk kita bahas packaging-nya dulu.
The palette itself come in a small palm-sized compact. It is made of plastic. However it doesn't feel ultra light so it actually adds the value of the palette, in my opinion. The compact top part is made of clear plastic, so you can see all the shades. The bottom plastic part is covered in beautiful gold color in which I think is very pretty. All of the six shades are nicely arranged. When I bought this it didn't come in a box. It doesn't have any mirror or any sort of brush. Personally I don't feel like I'm losing anything because anyway I like to use my own mirror any my own brushes.
Palettenya sendiri kurang lebih seukuran telapak tangan. Packagingnya terbuat dari plastik. Tapi nggak kerasa ringan, jadi nggak kerasa kaya murahan. Bagian atas atau tutupnya warnanya bening, jadi warna shadownya kelihatan. Bagian bawahnya juga terbuat dari plastik, tapi warnanya gold yang menurut aku sendiri cantik dan elegan. Keenam warnanya ditata dengan rapi. Waktu aku beli, ini nggak ada boxnya. Terus yaudah, isinya begini aja, nggak ada kaca atau brushnya. Aku sendiri sih nggak keberatan karena aku sukanya pakai kaca dan brush aku sendiri.
So let's jump to the swatches!*
Yuk sekarang kita swatch warna-warnanya!
1. Lovely Girl
(Rose gold color that has the glow of a lovely girl // Base makeup and skin below eyes)**
This is the first color I swatched and oh my I was so shocked on how pigmented this color is! I only put little pressure when I swatch it with my finger and look how pigmented it is!
Ini warna pertama yang aku swatch dan aku jujur kaget banget sama pigmentasinya! Aku cuma pakai tekanan yang ringan pakai jari aku dan liat ini bener-bener pigmented banget!
With only one swipe, you can really see how the color pops up. I was surprised because I didn't expect anything from this palette. It does give a slight fall-out, but nothing to major because you can easily swipe the colors off with a brush.
Cuma pakai satu swipe, kalian bisa liat warnanya ini nyala banget. Aku kaget karena aku nggak berharap apa-apa dari palette ini (karena harganya nggak terlalu mahal juga). Sedikit ada fall out-nya sih, tapi nggak terlalu banyak sampai mengganggu gitu dan bisa dibersihin dengan gampang pakai brush.
Personally I think this is a great color for the base if you are going for more neautral-lovely look!
Menurut aku sendiri, ini warna yang cocok banget buat jadi base di kelopak mata kalau kalian mau bikin tampilan yang natural tapi tetap lovely.
This color is best applied with fingertips, because by then the color would pops even more. However, if you do want to use brush, I suggest to wet your brush first (I do recommend using Mac Fix+)
Warna ini paling bagus kalau diaplikasiin dengan jari, karena warnanya akan lebih menyala. Kalau kalian mau pakai brush, aku saranin brushnya buat dibasahin dulu (aku rekomendasiin pakai Mac Fix+)
2. Lovely Love
(Palpitating gold pink color of unrequited love // Base color)
Since the Lovely Girl shade is super pigmented, it gave me a bit of expectations on the other shades. When I saw this shade, I was thinking of creating the super cute girly makeup. It is more towards shimmery side, rather than foil shade.
Karena warna Lovely Girl sangat pigmented, aku jadi sedikit berharap sama warna-warna yang lain. Waktu aku lihat warna ini, aku kepikiran untuk membuat makeup yang girly banget. Warnanya sendiri lebih ke arah shimmer dibanding foil-metalik.
But when I swatched it, it wasn't as pigmented as the previous color. I put the same pressure and still using my finger, but it is definitely less pigmented comparing to Lovely Girl shade.
Cuma waktu aku swatch. warnanya nggak se-pigmented warna sebelumnya. Aku pakai tekanan yang sama dan tetap memakai jari, tapi warnanya jelas lebih sheer dibanding Lovely Girl.
To be honest, I was disappointed with this color. It wasn't as rich, and I was using my fingers! Imagine how fade the color would be with a brush!
Jujur aja, aku kecewa sama warna ini. Warna di pan-nya cantik padahal, tapi sayangnya nggak se-pigmented itu, padahal aku udah pakai jari loh! Bayangin aja ini pasti makin nggak kelihatan warnanya kalau aku pakai brush.
3. Lovely Heart
(Deep burgundy color for someone who fall in love // Point makeup)
I definitely gravitates toward this color the most when I saw this palette. I am in my holiday mood, so when it hits this time of the year, I'm that girl who'd be super excited with all of those plum, dark color.
Aku jelas paling tertarik sama warna ini waktu aku lihat palette ini. Aku emang lagi mood liburan jadi kalau di bulan-bulan ini, aku paling suka warna-warna gelap yang ke arah plum kaya gini.
I expected a lot from this color! Thankfully, it does not disappoint unlike the Lovely Love color. It is rich, slighly less foil-like. But I still love it!
Aku berharap banyak dari warna ini! Untungnya, warna ini nggak mengecewakan seperti warna Lovely Love. Ini warnanya nyala, nggak terlalu metalik tapi aku tetap suka!
Even after I swatch it on my hand with only one swipe (please refer to the photo after the swatches review) and the color still as pigmented as ever. Totally gonna love it!
Bahkan setelah aku swatch ini di tangan aku, warnanya tetap pigmented. Yang jelas, aku pasti akan suka pakai warna ini!
(Shady brown color that will make your day // Base and shade makeup)
When I saw this color, I imagined myslef to use it to make my eyes look longer, so I'd definitely would use it as a shading shade. But, after I swatch the Lovely Love color, this color seems to look the same on the pan as that color. So I was expecting a not-so-pigmented color.
Warna ini dipikiranku bakal pas banget buat bikin mata aku terlihat lebih panjang, yang jelas aku akan bikin warna ini buat mendefinisikan mata aku. Tapi setelah aku swatch warna Lovely Love, warna ini di pan rada mirip sama warna tersebut. Jadi aku sih udah bayangin warna ini bakal nggak se-pigmented itu.
I was right. The color is not as pigmented, so it was quite a disappointment. The worst is when I swipe it on my hand. The color is so fade that you could barely see it!
Benar aja, warna ini nggak pigmented, dan jujur mengecewakan. Lebih buruknya lagi waktu aku swatch ini di tangan aku. Warnanya nyaris nggak keliatan!
5. Lovely Sunset
(Orange brown color like a sunset // Base and point makeup)
I wasn't really paying attention to this color because I definitely paying more attention on the pink shades. This, as the name suggest, is more on orange family. It is more gold-like color.
Aku nggak terlalu perhatiin warna ini sih, karena aku lebih perhatiin warna yang lebih pinkish. Seperti namanya, warna ini lebih ke arah keluarga orange. Kaya gold tapi ke-orange-an.
However, because I was not expecting anything, I was super shocked when I swatch this color and see how pigmented this is! It is the most rich gold shadow that I probably have, and to be honest I love it so so much! This is probably my favorite color out of the bunch!
Tapi karena aku nggak berharap apa-apa, waktu aku swatch dan warnanya pigmented banget, aku sampe kaget banget loh! Ini kayanya salah satu eyeshadow gold yang warnanya paling nyala, dan aku aja nggak nyangka kalau aku bakal suka banget sama warna yang satu ini, bahkan kayanya ini warna favorit aku, deh!
6. Lovely Night
(Dark brown color that carries a warm night sky // Point makeup)
This shade is definitely the dark color that you'd use on the outer v. The pigmentation was okay, but nothing that's too overboard and it's not chalky at all. Definitely can make definition with this shade!
Ini warna gelap tipikal yang bakal sering dipakai di bagian outer v. Pigmentasinya ok kok, tapi nggak terlalu berlebihan. Ini juga halus banget teksturnya. Cocok banget untuk mendefinisikan mata!
I am generally pleased with this shade, but because it is that boring shade, it does not excite me, but I wasn't disappointed by any mean.
Aku suka sih sama warna ini, tapi karena shade-nya sendiri kaya lumayan sering aku temuin di palette lain, aku kaya biasa aja sama warna ini, walaupun aku nggak kecewa juga sama warna ini.
Here's the full swatch comparison!
Ini swatch penuhnya!
Of course, I gotta make a look using solely this palette. This is the look that I came out:
Pastinya, aku harus bikin makeup look pakai palette ini. Ini look yang aku bikin:
And of course, a selfie.
Selfie, wajib nggak sih?
Overall, I think it is a great palette. The colors are easy to blend. Although there are some colors that are less pigmented. It is very wearable and if you are looking for a palette with loads of lovely shades, this would be the one!
Secara keseluruhan, aku rasa ini palette yang bagus. Warnanya gampang buat dibaurkan. Terus tekturnya halus, nggak chalky. Walaupun ada sih, warna yang nggak terlalu pigmented, cuma untuk harganya, dan kalau kalian emang mencari palette untuk look yang lebih girly, yang gampang dibawa kemana-mana, ini cocok banget untuk kalian!
Furthermore, you can control on how much you want the colors to pop up. If you want to more sheer-kind of look like the one that I created, simply use a less dense brush and voila! If you want more pigments, use a denser brush or just use your finger tips and the color would pops!
Terus kalian bisa mengkontrol mau seberapa nyala warna shadownya di kelopak kalian. Kalau mau warna yang lebih halus, tipis-tipis, bisa pakai brush yang nggak terlalu padat, kalau mau warnanya lebih nyala, pakai brush yang lebih padat atau pakai jari aja.
Would I recommend this? Yes, if you could get this on hand. But if you're not, there are loads of options out there that would do the same thing. This palette would be very easy to travel with, but if you're okay with bigger, better palette, this would have lesser value, of course! I'd rate this 6.5 out of 10!
Aku bakal rekomen ini nggak? Iya, kalau kalian bisa mendapatkan ini (apalagi kalau lagi diskon). Kalau nggak, banyak kok sebenernya palette yang kurang lebih sama. Palette ini jelas lebih gampang dibawa kemana-mana. Tapi kalau kalian nggak masalah sama palette yang lebih besar, ini jadi lumayan nggak penting-penting amat gitu. Aku bakal rate ini 6.5 dari 10!
Hope you like this review! X.
Semoga kalian suka reviewnya ya! X.
*Swatches are using fingers (no brush involved, even on the eyelids)
**These explanations are based from the website
Warnanya bagus2 ih, natural look bgt :) pigmented juga, yang kurang pigmented bisa dipake buat di crease buat ngebaur warna lain. definetely gonna check this palette out
iyaa apalagi kalo suka korean makeup gituuu! aku lagi sering pake dan makin dipake makin sukaak
Deletesuka banget sama warna2 nya yang cenderung netral dan natural.
iyaa jadinya palette ini fix kepake bangettt!
DeleteMakeup look cakep banget *.*
aaaa terimakasih!! semua ini ilusi makeup kok hahaha!