5 Top Websites to Buy Beauty Products!
As a beauty enthusiast, I find it VERY difficult to suppress the urge to buy new make up. I mean, IMO, it is a very fast paced industry. A lot of new products from different brand came out in a blink of an eye.
Not to mention a lot of products have different innovation and uniqueness. Or sometimes, the packaging are just too cute to be missed!
Sebagai pecinta produk-produk kecantikan, aku tuh susah banget buat nahan diri untuk nggak beli makeup baru. Karena menurutku, dunia kecantikan itu bener-bener cepat banget perputarannya.
Dikit-dikit keluar barang baru, ada brand baru, ada barang yang hits, yang aneh banget dan bikin orang penasaran coba, atau sebenernya packagingnya lucu banget aja sampe-sampe nggak mungkin nggak beli!
Sadly, although it is start to grow, Indonesia make up market is not as big as other countries. Let's not talk about U.S.A, even our closes neighborhood country like Singapore has bigger market than us.
As an example, when I lived in Singapore I'd walk and go to all Sephora branch just to find a best-selling item. Whereas in Indonesia... I don't know, the offline stores just does not excite me as much.
Sayangnya, di Indonesia sendiri tempat belanja untuk produk-produk kecantikan ini bisa dibilang relatif kecil. Ngga usah deh, jauh-jauh ngomongin Amerika, bahkan di negara tetangga kaya di Singapura aja marketnya lebih 'seru'.
Dulu, waktu aku masih tinggal di Singapura, aku bisa loh rela-relain dari satu Sephora ke Sephora yang lain kalo emang lagi nyari barang. Sedangkan di Indonesia... gak tau ya, kaya kurang hype aja gitu untuk offline store gitu?
However, to keep myself updated with the beauty world, I tend to do online shopping instead. I must admit, it is very easy to purchase a product now. Yes, of course it has its own minus point like you couldn't really test the product before you bought it.
But, with the power of Youtube and Blogs, there are tons of review on the web to rely on (my channel, perhaps? tee hee) so I'm one of those people who are not scared to shop online.
Lain cerita kalau online shop ya. Kayanya serumah aku tau kalau aku sering banget belanja online. Antara nggak tahan gak belanja atau emang pengen terus update sama dunia kecantikan (yang jelas aku sih sangat passionate ya di bidang ini! :D). Tentu aja, ada minusnya juga kaya nggak bisa dicoba dulu, jadi kalau beli foundation suka takut salah beli warna, atau warna lipstick yang kok nggak cocok di kulit, dll.
Tapi dengan kekuatan Youtube dan Blog, udah banyak banget review tentang produk-produk yang bisa dipercaya (contohnya channel Youtube aku a.k.a. shameless promotion lol) makanya aku bisa dibilang sangat berani buat belanja online.
One of the thing to be noted before purchasing online is the credibility of the seller, of course. You don't want to get scammed and lost your money, just because they are selling super cheap stuffs or rare items, or even get cheated by fake items.
Not only they cheated your money, but fake items especially beauty items like make up could be fatal for your health! Imagine buying a imitation products, ever wonder how many evil chemicals inside those?
Yang harus diinget nih kalau mau belanja online, tentunya online shopnya ini terpercaya atau nggak. Nggak mau kan, dibohongin terus duitnya ilang aja gitu. Emangnya nyari duit gampang. Jangan karena barangnya super murah atau ngejual barang yang susah didapet jadi main asal beli. Amit-amit kalau sampai beli barang palsu.
Nggak cuma sellernya ngecurangin uang kamu, tapi menurut aku pribadi, barang palsu is a big no karena kamu nggak tau betapa banyaknya zat-zat jahat di barang itu loh. Bahkan, kandungannya bisa berbahaya buat kulit kamu, karena kamu kan nggak tau itu produksinya dari mana, kaya gimana.
I'd rather spending my money on the right websites that I trusted than buying items on cheap stuffs that are not authentic or lost my money to a scammer!
Aku sendiri lebih suka buang-buang duit (hahaha) ke website yang aku tau bisa aku percaya daripada beli barang yang harganya jatoh murah tapi belum tentu asli atau uangku bisa hilang entah kemana!
As, uhm, a professional-at-spending-my-money-on-makeup, here I present to you websites that I always buy from whenever I want to purchase beauty items!
Jadi, uhm, sebagai orang-yang-profesional-dalam-menghabiskan-uang-untuk-makeup, aku mau kasih tau nih, kalau aku belanja barang-barang kecantikan dimana aja!
1. Beauty Haul Indo (http://beautyhaulindo.net)
*yes you can click the link!
This is my ULTIMATE go to website. Not only it sells the latest beauty items, but they have wide varieties too. You can even find Korean makeup here! I've been shopping on their website since the longest time and overall I am pleased with their service.
I never had a problem buying from the website as it is very user friendly, and their shipping is super fast! (They are Jakarta based shop and I lived in Jakarta area too. Usually normal online store would take 3-4 days for shipping whereas this shop only needs up to 2 days!).
Not the mention their packaging are super safe, as they'll wrap your items with bubble wraps (thick layers of it!). If bubble wraps are not enough for you, you can also opt for wooden package.
Ini website yang sering banget aku datengin! Nggak cuma barang-barangnya up to date, tapi lengkap juga loh! Bahkan bisa nemuin beberapa produk kecantikan Korea disini! Aku sesering itu belanja di website ini dan aku selalu puas sama servicenya mereka.
Nggak pernah ada masalah, websitenya gampang untuk dipakai, dan ngirim barangnya super cepat! (Website ini domisili Jakarta, biasanya untuk kerumahku butuh sekitar 3-4 hari, tapi Beautyhaulindo selalu berhasil kirim hanya dalam waktu 2 hari aja).
Ditambah, mereka kirim paketnya bener-bener rapi, loh! Barangnya dibungkus bubble wrap yang tebal jadi kemungkinan pecah minim banget. Kalau masih kurang yakin, bisa pilih untuk pakai pengiriman pakai kayu juga, tentunya ditambah ya biayanya.
They have wide selections of shades (if applicable) in each product. And in terms of price point, they are the best!
To add on, they also offer loyalty point for registered customers. If you managed to collect IDR 50.000, you can use that as a discount coupon!
Terus untuk setiap produk yang ada pilihan warnanya, pasti pilihannya banyak. Untuk masalah harga, menurutku harga dia yang terbaik!
Oh ya, mereka juga ada loyalty point loh, kaya stempel bubble tea gitu hahaha, jadi kalau udah ngumpulin IDR 50.000, bisa ditukar kupon buat dibelanjain barang loh.
2. TWLCosmetics (http://twlcosmetics.com)
IF, let's say, an item I'm searching for is not available in Beautyhaulindo, or the shade I'm looking for is sold out, I'd go to TWLCosmetics.
Price-wise, I still think Beautyhaulindo is the winner. But that doesn't mean TWLCosmetics is not good! The quality of the packaging, the shipping time, as well as the variety of the products are around the same, is just that TWLCosmetics prices are slightly higher.
KALAU, barang yang aku cari nggak ada di Beautyhaulindo, aku pasti ke website ini.
Harganya sih, TWLCosmetics agak sedikit lebih mahal. Tapi untuk kualitas, tentunya nggak kalah. Servicenya kurang lebih sama, kok!
But if you are looking for sample size items, they have their own sample-size section!
It's a great option if you want to try an item but don't want to commit to the full sized ones!
Tapi kalau kalian cari barang sample, TWLCosmetics juga jual loh! Nggak cuma sample sachet gitu, cuma mini size kaya misalnya bagian dari holiday collection yang kecil-kecil gitu mereka juga jual.
Jadi oke banget nih kalau kalian pengen coba barang tapi belum pingin keluarin uang untuk bayar ukuran yang penuh!
They also sell defect items, as in product with minor problems like cracked packaging. It is definitely cheaper, but of course it is not a perfect product. If you don't mind with those minor injuries, this section definitely works for you.
For me, personally, I'd like to buy my items in perfect conditions, so I never buy anything from this section. Having that said, they definitely included a picture of the defect(s)!
Mereka juga jual barang yang cacat, kaya misalnya packagingnya pecah gitu. Harganya lebih murah, jelas, tapi ya namanya juga barang cacat. Kalau kalian nggak masalah sama produk cacat, bagian ini boleh di cek loh.
Aku sendiri sih, suka kalau barang nyampe di aku dalam keadaan bagus, terus aku yang pakainya sampai bentuknya menyedihkan. Tentunya untuk produk-produk di bagian ini ada gambar letak cacatnya dimana kok!
Sometimes, they open an offline booth at certain bazaars too!
Kadang-kadang mereka juga buka booth di bazaar-bazaar dalam mall juga loh!
3. Stylekorean (http://stylekorean.com)
It might be a shocker but after I think about it, I rarely purchase Korean beauty products online! Most of the time I asked my friend who visited Korea for holiday or even Singapore because it is cheaper that way.
But at the moment my skin care items are from K-Beauty lines. So whenever I ran out, I have to buy another one and this website is my favorite!
Mungkin ini akan mengagetkan beberapa orang tapi setelah dipikir-pikir aku jarang banget loh beli produk kecantikan Korea online! Seringkali aku titip temenku yang ke Korea atau ke Singapura karena lebih murah kaya gitu.
Cuma kan sekarang skincare aku K-Beauty semua, kalau sudah habis mau nggak mau harus beli, dong? Nah, website ini favorit aku kalau mau beli barang-barang kecantikan dari Korea!
Mind you they are NOT Indonesian website, for my Indonesian readers. They do ship to Indonesia, only I have to admit it is quite pricey.
However, they do offer free shipping if you reach $80 on your cart. So if you intend to shop from here, make sure you tag your friend along so you could save the shipping cost!
Btw, ini BUKAN website Indonesia ya, terutama untuk pembaca dari Indonesia. Mereka bisa kirim ke Indonesia, cuma ya emang harga pengirimannya lebih mahal.
Mereka ada penawaran free shipping kalau kita belanja sampai $80, jadi kalau mau beli barang dari sini, lebih baik ajak temen-temen jadi bisa hemat di biaya pengiriman!
The thing that I like the most about this it has the widest variation of brands. Furthermore, I can almost find whatever I searched on this website.
From COSRX, Heimish, Missha, or any other korean beauty brands that are a slightly harder to find in local online stores.
Yang aku suka dari website ini sih, lengkap banget nget nget! Brandnya lengkap, barang di setiap brandnya lengkap, seneng deh kalau browsing disini soalnya pilihannya banyak banget!
Mulai dari COSRX, Heimish, Missha, atau brand lain yang agak lebih susah ditemuin di online shop lokal.
Plus, they always have great sale offers!
Plus, mereka sering banget loh ada diskon!
4. Althea (http://id.althea.kr)
Now let's say I want K-Beauty products and I don't want to pay for expensive shipping price, Althea is always my go-to website.
Kalau mau beli barang-barang K-Beauty cuma aku lagi gak ada duit buat bayar shippingnya T_T, aku biasanya belanja di Althea, karena shippingnya lebih murah.
Especially when I want to purchase those super weird products like Monster Mask or the Hell Pore Mask! Althea has this section called 'Trendy Items' where they sell unique products like these.
Terutama kalau aku pengen belanja barang-barang yang aneh seperti Monster Mask atau Hell Pore Mask! Althea punya bagian 'Trendy Items' dimana mereka jual produk-produk unik.
They always ship in a box so your product will arrive safely to your house! Oh, did I mention that both Stylekorean and Althea will always give you samples upon your purchases? So fun, right?
Mereka kirimnya pakai box warna pink cantik gitu... jadi barangnya nyampe pasti selamat deh! Oh, aku udah bilang belum kalau belanja di Stylekorean dan Althea pasti dapet sample? Seru kan?
However, the problem with Althea website is that their website tend to be un-openable (is that even a word? lol). In my case, my browser will automatically block this website (internetpositif, anyone?).
To tackle this problem, simply download their app (it is free!) and you're good to go. Their app is user friendly and it is very easy to find a product that you want to see and/purchase!
Masalahnya, Althea ini websitenya suka keblokir. Kalau dari browser aku, suka masuk ke internetpositif.
Jadi, aku akalin dengan download app-nya (gratis kok!). Appnya juga gampang dioperasikan, jadi nggak akan bingung kok!
5. Kawai Gankyu (https://www.kawaigankyu.com)
I think contact lenses can be considered as 'beauty items', in a sense. I used contact lenses with prescription, but I am never against if people want to buy some fun colors like violet or pink because if you can play around with your makeup, why don't you go all out.
Contact lens bisa dikategorikan sebagai produk kecantikan juga loh! Aku pakai contact lens yang ada minusnya, sih, tapi aku nggak pernah merasa kalau orang yang mau pakai contact lens warna untuk gaya doang itu salah.
Kalau kalian boleh berekspresi dengan bebas dengan makeup, nggak ada salahnya untuk total ke penampilan kalian, sampai ke warna matanya.
HOWEVER, an important note (yes, I used capslock so you guys actually read this) is that PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ALWAYS BE CAREFUL WHEN BUYING CONTACT LENSES ONLINE. Make sure the website is trusted and there is no issue AT ALL with the seller.
DON'T, I MEAN IT, BUY CONTACT LENSES FROM SHADY SELLERS. You only got two eyeballs, please treat them with extra special care.
TAPI, penting untuk dicatat (iya, aku pakai capslock biar dibaca) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UNTUK SELALU HATI-HATI KALAU BELI CONTACT LENS ONLINE. Pastikan websitenya terpercaya, ada testimoninya, nggak pernah ada masalah apapun, dll.
That is why I recommend a contact lens shop because I especially believe in the quality of the service that Kawai Gankyu gave.
Their contact lenses are all 100% authentic and they even give you guarantee. I bought mine here and my lenses are in excellent condition.
Makanya aku mau kasih rekomendasi tempat terpercaya untuk beli contact lens karena aku percaya sama Kawai Gankyu dan servicenya.
Contact lens mereka 100% asli dengan garansi. Aku beli contact lens aku disini dan aku super puas dengan barangnya.
They have varieties of lenses, from doll-eyed one, natural one, and I believe they do sell more anime-looking ones.
Lensa yang mereka jual macem-macem loh, dari yang membesarkan mata, natural, dan kalau nggak salah yang lebih kaya tokoh anime gitu juga ada.
So if you're looking for a place to buy contact lenses, I highly suggest Kawai Gankyu!
Jadi kalau kalian cari tempat untuk belanja contact lens, aku rekomendasiin banget deh Kawai Gankyu ini!
Aaaaaand that is all guys for today's post! I hope it is useful for you!
Jadiiiii segitu aja rekomendasi aku hari ini! Aku harap post ini bermanfaat buat kalian yang lagi mau belanja yaaa!!!
With love,