FIRST IMPRESSION: Etude House Wonder Fun Park Collection
It used to be all monochrome, but lately I've been spotting unicorn-themed-anything on trend. I don't hate it, as I was a unicorn myself *whining on how I miss my dyed hair*.Dulu sih warna-warna monochrome nge-trend banget, tapi akhir-akhir ini aku mulai sering ngelihat banyak banget produk-produk yang temanya seperti unicorn. Aku sendiri suka kok, secara aku dulu udah kaya unicorn *tiba-tiba pengen ngecat rambut lagi*
Lime Crime is widely famous for their unicorn theme makeup, Tarte recently launched one, too, but when I saw that Etude House came out with their own version, I am practically gagging.
Lime Crime terkenal banget dengan makeup mereka yang temanya unicorn. Tarte juga baru-baru ini ngeluarin. Tapi waktu Etude House keluarin line makeup yang warna-warni, aku otomatis jadi panik.
I LOVE korean beauty products. I love how they are simple but emphasizing on a certain point and make the look so 'naturally' mesmerizing. So I always naturally gravitate towards the korean beauty trend in my timeline.
Aku cinta banget sama produk kecantikan korea. Aku suka karena mereka simple tapi pinter bikin point di bagian tertentu jadi penampilannya jadi terlihat berbeda. Secara ngga langsung, aku pasti selalu tertarik ke produk kecantikan korea.
Etude House launch this super colorful collection called the Wonder Fun Park. They never associate or claim their collection as 'unicorn' products, but if you see this collection that is super fun and colorful, you just coulnd't help yourself thinking about the magical unicorn!
Etude House baru aja ngeluarin koleksi makeup yang warnanya cerah banget, namanya Wonder Fun Park. Mereka sendiri sih nggak pernah menyebut koleksi ini sebagai koleksi 'unicorn', tapi kalau kalian liat koleksinya, pasti otomatis langsung inget unicorn!
I didn't buy the whole collection, as I felt that I won't be using the eyeshadow palette, but I did manage to get the exciting products!
Aku nggak beli semua produk di koleksi ini, karena aku ngerasa aku nggak akan pakai eyeshadownya, tapi aku berhasil dapetin produk-produk yang menurut aku paling menarik!
So here is the full break down of the products I bought:
Etude House Wonder Fun Park - Candy Cheek
Price: S$ 26.00
Weight: 50g
Video Mark: 03:04
Etude House Wonder Fun Park Candy Highlighter
Price: S$ 26.00
Weight: 50g
Video Mark: 03:39
The Candy Cheeks are the products that I'm dying to try. I mean, when you look at the pan, it is drop. dead. gorgeous. It's unlike normal blush or highlighter but the colors on the pan is like rainbow where they have layers of colored pressed powders.
Seri Candy Cheek adalah dua produk yang aku paling pengen cobain. Kaya liat dong pan-nya, warnanya cantik banget kaya pelangi, nggak kaya blush atau highlighter yang lain.
The pan size itself is quite big, if you compare it to regular blush size.
Ukuran pan-nya sendiri terbilang lumayan besar dibandingin ukuran blush lain.
Etude House Wonder Fun Park Candy Cheek Brush
Price: S$ 22.90
Weight: 50g
Video Mark: 07:35
A UNICORN BRUSH. It is so colorful and to die for. Although yes, it is just another brush but when your brush is this beautiful you couldn't help feeling good whenever you apply your makeup, right?
BRUSH UNICORN. Ini brushnya lucuuuuu banget! Emang sih, ini cuma brush biasa tapi kalau brushnya selucu ini kayanya kalau mau pake makeup jadi seneng aja sih bawaannya.
Etude House Wonder Fun Park Lash Perm Curl-Fix Mascara (Pang Pang Purple)
Price: S$ 20.90
Weight: 30g
Video Mark: 13:40
If the Candy Cheek are the ones that I'm super excited to try, the purple Curl Fix mascara is the one that I MUST get. I heard a lot of good things about the Etude House Curl Fix mascara, and when it comes in purple color, I couldn't help myself to vow on getting them on hand.
Kalau Candy Cheek adalah seri yang paling pengen aku cobain, kayanya mascara UNGU Curl Fix ini adalah yang jadi prioritas aku waktu aku beli koleksi ini. Curl Fix mascaranya Etude House udah lumayan terkenal bagus, jadi waktu aku tau ada yang warna ungu aku fix harus beli.
Etude House Wonder Fun Park Dear Darling Soda Tint (PK003)
Price: S$ 9.90
Weight: 35g
Video mark: 16:23
I am a liptint whore. I always get so curious about a liptint. But anyway, I originally love the original Dear Darling Tint from Etude House, but oh my God you guys, this Soda version of Dear Darling Tint has GOLD GLITTER PIGMENTS in it. Yes, GOLD FREAKING PIGMENT. How can a home girl resist? Hahaha.
Aku obses sama liptint. Aku emang dari awal udah suka sama Dear Darling Tint-nya Etude House, tapi yaampun guys, versi Soda Tintnya ini ada PIGMENT WARNA GOLDNYA. Masa sih aku ga beli? Hahaha.
Soooo are you excited to see how I'll react to these products and my thought on it? I've made a first impression video on it where I give you swatches, first try outs, and my final thoughts about the collection!
Jadiiii penasaran nggak sama reaksi aku waktu aku cobain produk-produk ini? Aku sudah bikin video tentang koleksi ini!
Since the video is a long one, if there is any specific product you want to see, I already put the video mark on each product!
Karena videonya sendiri panjang, aku udah taruh batas-batas mana aja kalau ada produk spesifik yang mau kalian tonton!
I hope this post is helpful! Xx
ak pngen highlighter sama mascaranya. unik bgt 😍😍😍 lucuuu
mascaranya bagussss~~~!