Full stop?!
Exciting news, really! I'm officially graduated from highschool! Just today (literally! I just came home like 30 mins ago and now I'm writing this) my school held graduation ceremony at Bidakara Hotel. The invitation said we should come at 7 a.m. WHICH means me, as a girl, should prepare EVERYTHING from kebaya, makeup, hair-do, blablabla very early in the morning!Somewhat pissed out because the event was late... but oh well!
Mostly the ceremony contains looooot of speeches from many people, not very entertained, though.
But surely, I'm going to miss all of my friends! I will always remember the moments we had, from the cherish one to those bitter-sweet ones. Please don't forget me! My presence probably won't mean a lot for you, but it would be lovely if in ten years we would met again and still know each other :)
Thank you for the last three years! It was indescribable, you guys was guh-to the-reat! It was fun to have those moment spend with you guys :) And for those who still haven't got their dream univ, please remember to do your best because I know you guys could make it! :)
Here is some photos from my graduation;
(taken from here and there, mostly my dad's cam & friend's iPhone)
Although my smile looked weird at this pict, I like this candid photo!
With my teacher who's been taking care of my class at 12 grade :)
Lovely mates :)
My classmates! :*
Best of all: My ladies
Thank you highschool!