Then you'll be afraid.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Dinda Naya 2 Comments

I've been completely dying to watch Maleficent the movie!!! I watched the trailer for I don't even know how many times and finally the movie's gonna out soon!

I really looking forward for this movie because the original Sleeping Beauty itself is my favourite Disney Classic movie.

Oh by the way, I've been helping my dad to make a blog. He wants to write interesting things about Singapore, the good and the bad, places of recommendations, and so on!

Please support him by visiting his blog here!


  1. i went into the cinema with too high an expectation and honestly this movie was rather blah for me. the story was alright and the whimsical settings were enchanting but it didn't really sting your heart like other disney movies. but i definitely love Angelina Jolie there she is downright talented. what do you think about the movie anyway?

    1. I do too, put a very high expectation for this movie. It's true that this movie is not Tangled or Frozen. Maleficent is, and always be, my favourite villain of all time. Seeing her, while extremely well played by Angelina Jolie, is not as 'evil' is quite disappointing. I wish I could see her dark side more, since that is Maleficent's charm!
